This is my magazine and my final outcome for my Final Major Project, securing and qualifying with a high 2:1 from university. I a so happy with my outcome and I hope i can change so many different women's lives with having a magazine such as the one i have created.

I'm the worst!


I am finally able to say I have finished uni today! And what I was thinking of doing was posting my work that I have done. I literally haven’t had the time to post on here about my work because I literally spend hours looking at my mac screen. It does my eyes in!

To be continued with posts about my work…

Dissertation and final major project

So in our final year at uni we have to create something or anything to be graded on to finally graduate in June. We have to plan and research religiously to generate the backbone to our projects. I automatically knew I wanted to create a magazine of some kind but I was unsure on where to find my inspiration. The one person who inspires me the most is my mother and after her diagnosis of bowel cancer whilst I was in my first year at uni I felt this really touched upon a inspiring and delicate subject that I feel other people could benefit form having an information pack all about cancer and have to all come together as one to fight cancer. After months on continuous research I found there was nothing to date some advice and fashion information for people with cancer in mind. The thing is when it comes to cancer, it sucks basically, and unfortunately some people may have to have their bodies changed in some way to remove a tumour or cancerous cells. My objective is that I would like to bring all women together into the one magazine to update and post regular high street clothing that would be comfortable and suitable for people that have cancer. I am not going to seclude the everyday women of whom may like to read Vogue, Elle or Look magazine but to simply have fashion advice tailored to them within mind.

I am pitching these ideas to my tutor on Monday in a presentation with other people in my year. I will let you know how I get on.

On the other hand I am also starting the literature review for my dissertation that is honestly the most confusing piece of writing I have ever had to type out. Like seriously surely the literature review is the most pointless piece of text, why don’t you just read the essay!


Ok so it has been about 8 months since I last posted. That is so bad! I do apologise. It has been crazy. 

I have been working the whole summer at Adidas and had to decline staying on longer due to my uni course, and going into my third year I wouldn’t be able to do a full time job as well as a full time uni course which I will have to write a 8,000 word dissertation. Now I have moved home with a Top level job at Topshop. I had to move home due to financial reasons and got myself a new car. I am now travelling to uni from home, which is an hour and 45 minutes one way! But it’s the cheaper option so for a space of two days a week I do not mind driving all that way. 


I am starting to plan my dissertations out based around the images I will be using to conclude my argument. The topic I have chose to base my finding around is how women are being advertised and discriminated in the media form the 1950’s-2000’s. I want to argument my point that women are used as sexual objects to sell, promote and persuade many varieties of audience in order to boost sale revenues for companies using sex as the selling point. I enjoy this topic because I feel this is something I am really passionate about when it comes to the male and female minority in the class society. 

Same tasks, different days


Nothing to really report today... Other than the fact my manager has asked me to stay on through out the summer with Adidas. GO ME!